Intro to Margin Accounts
Portfolio Margin 101
How Portfolio Margin Works
Option Strategies - Reg T Margin
Option Strategies - Portfolio Margin
Margin Calculators for Options
Regulatory Timeline
Stress Test Market Moves
P&L Offsets
Brokers Offering Portfolio Margin
Margin Rate Comparison
About Us
The Margin Investor
Intro to Margin Accounts
This article discusses the basics of margin account investing:
How a margin account works.
The requirements for margin accounts.
What Reg T Margin is.
The motivations behind federal margin account regulations.
Introduction to margin account terminology.
Portfolio Margin 101
This article introduces Portfolio Margin:
How to qualify for a portfolio margin account.
The genesis of portfolio margin regulations.
Risk-based margin systems.
A high-level overview of how Portfolio Margin works.
How Portfolio Margin Works
This article gets into the details of the Portfolio Margin methodology:
How the calculation is performed step-by-step.
What the stress test market moves are for each type of underlying.
What the P&L offsets are for different indexes, ETFs, and stocks.